NystaQure® Immo – Enhanced Export


Against typical and atypical fungal infections.

In the treatment of fungal infections it is important that the

immune system receives extra stimulation.

Therefore we have added Beta-Glucans and Omega 3.


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Against typical and atypical fungal infections

In the treatment of fungal infections, it is important that the immune system is extra stimulated. Therefore, we have added Beta-Glucans and Omega 3.

Contains 200.000 I.U. Nystatine per gram.

In general, affected pigeons do not show any specific symptoms, they only start performing poorly! The malefactor is often the yeast Candida albicans, which nests in the crop. A yeast is a single-celled fungus. Candida can be spread by moldy straw and old beer yeast. It is also found after long-term antibiotic use.

In poultry it is proven, that prolonged acidifying of drinking water or food, leads to excessive growth of Candida. The “good” bacteria are suppressed, and the yeast takes its chance.

Use for:
Fungal infections in pigeon and Megabacteria in aviary birds

5 grams per 10 kg bodyweight,
or ± 500 grams moisturized food for 20 pigeons
Administer for 6 days.

In case of Megabacteria in Aviary Birds:
Dosage 1 gram per 2 kg bodyweight over the egg-food for 10 days.

For Birds. Not allowed for animals used for human consumption!
Store dark and dry, protected from heat.
Keep out of reach of children!
Close packaging well after use and wash hands.

Available in:
100 grams powder
300 grams powder


100gr, 300gr


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